Hair Clays

This unique wax, with jojoba extract and clay is ideal for people who want to break the mould rather than just fit in. Strong and stable, it’s perfect for holding unusual, untamed styles in place, the more out-there, the better. With a matt appearance, the natural texture of the hair is able to shine through. Although Mon Platin Professional Jojoba Clay Wax is certainly powerful, its real strength lies in its softness. The jojoba extract protects hair so you can style the way you want, when you want, knowing your hair will look its best.

  • grayclay

    UNDERDOG – Gray Clay 100 ml

    £13.50 ex vat
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  • jojoba-clay-wax.jpg

    Mon Platin Professional Jojoba Clay Wax 150ml

    £11.49 ex vat
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